
Showing posts from June, 2017

Lord Jagannath's Maha-Prasada

Narada Muni once went to Vaikuntha and served Mother Laxmi very attentively. SriLaxmi was very pleased and requested Narada Muni to ask for any boon. Narada Muni replied."My dear Mother Laxmi, you must promise that whatever I ask for,you will grant."Laxmi Devi wowed that she would gladly fulfill his desire. The great saint revealed his wish: Narada Muni requested Laxmi Devi to give him the Maha-prasada remnants of Lord Narayana. Suddenly Laxmi Devi's mood changed and her face became clenched with worry."Please ask me for anything else except for the Lord's prasada,"she begged. A few days ago the Lord instructed me not to give his prasad to anyone.You must understand that I can not disobey my husband's order.My dear son,I can not give you peasada." Narada was very adamant and reminded Devi of her promise."You are the dear wife of Lord Narayana,"Narada muni said. "You must grant me this boon.Some how or another you must give me

The Legend Lord Jagannath

Hinduism 2000 years ago which were highly abstract and only restricted only to the Brahmns. So,Hinduism sort of  redefined itself from the vedic way to the Puranic way and started presenting itself through stories.And there were three major groups of stories the Shaivaite,the Vaishnavite, and the Shakta,And this particular temple of Jagannath Puri is with in the Vaishnav frame work. And the Vaishnav frame work typically is about celebration of life.So,the deity lives like a King. He lives a full life.He gets up in the morning ,he is bathed he wears different kinds of clothes. Every day, the God is served food syx times. We have a belief that in Hinduism when Lord Vishnu descends on Earth every day. He bathes in Rameshwaram then goes to Dwarka  where he is adorned before he rules. In the afternoon, he comes to puri to feast. It's a place where not only Brahmins but evens Gods yearns to feast. It's an abode for food.           In one of the largest te

Lord Jagannath

Frames and Wheels are decorated with colourful  designs inspired from Odishan temple architecture. The frames are then covered with intricately embroidered black,green, red and yellow cloth. 2,500 constables and 150 traffic constables are in place to keep a close guard on the devotees and ensure their safety. As the time draws closer to the Ratha Yatra the mood becomes electrifying with faith comes a surreal energy which suffuses those who have travelled far and wide to the holy city.Passion rides the air. A day before the main event the chariots are pulled to their parking place right outside the Lion's gate at the temple. Where they await their divine passengers, the curtains will rise on the spectacular Ratha Yatra. Old dieties of Jagannath Temple have been replaced with new ones and will finally be brought out for Nabkalebar  Ratha Yatra. Three towering chariots a five-lavered  security gordon about 10,000 security personnel close to 164 police platoons and

Story of Puri Jagannatha swamy

Puri is a sleepy seaside town in Eastern India and since time immemorial has drawn to its shores pilgrims, adventurers and explorers.This city is the abode of the Hindu God Vishnu popularly known in Puri as Lord Jagannath. Which if loosely translated means the Lord of the Universe. Puri is also called Sri Purushotthama Dhama the abode of Lord Vishnu on Earth. Hindhu believe in the Holy Trinity Brahma the creator,Shiva the destroyer and Vishnu the preserver. Lord Vishnu is also worshipped as Krishna or Narayan and in Puri, as Lord Jagannath. the home of Lord Jagannath attracts thousands of pilgrims every year.Situated across the four corner of the country Puri along with Rameshwaram ,Dwarka and Badrinath makes the Char Dham are four holy abode of Hinduism.The home of Lord Jagannath attracts thousands of pilgrims every year as these dhams or four holy abode are considered sacred by the Hindus to be visited once in their life time.The idea of Yatra has a special signifi